First Time in the City of Angels.

It’s Day One! We’ve happily recovered from that hideous flight and we’re all rested up for the brand new day.

We have nothing planned until 6pm this evening when we’re going to take a private evening tour around the city. This will include Beverly Hills, Hollywood, the Hollywood sign, Sunset Strip, Grove and Farmer’s Market, Griffith Park and a few more stops along the way.

I can hear Drake’s voice in my head saying ‘You know LA traffic, how the city slow’ and it’s panicking me already about making it to the Chinese Treater on time for the tour because we’ve already had a pretty hectic day. We came out of the shower this morning (not together, may I add) to discover that NONE OF OUR STRAIGHTING OR CURLERING IRONS WORK. A disaster of catastrophic proportions I’m telling you. Neither of us look good with big bushy bangs.


We got straight on the case and found directions to the nearest Walmart.. no matter what the cost we needed them hot irons. Of course we ended up walking in the complete opposite direction of where we should have been heading, and after around 30 minutes agreed to go back to the hotel, re group and try again.

The second time around we made it and went in with the soul purpose of the trip being hair supplies but ended up coming out with half of the store stuffed into around 20 shopping bags. Wine, doughnuts (those awesome white powdered ones), yoghurt, tampons, cereal, the lot.

So back to now. Our ride will be here any minute and off into LA for the night we go.


UPDATE – Watching the sunset over the city tonight in the Hollywood hills is probably one of the most beautiful thing’s we’ve ever witnessed. #emotional.

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